Reference codeI488Name of interviewee (English)WU, Chi-mingName of interviewee (Chinese)胡志明Date of interview08/03/2016Biography胡志明出生於廣東信宜,一家務農為生。曾加入國民黨,參加沙魚涌戰役,其後輾轉逃至香港,於元朗經營農場,並在1958年開展養雞事業。
Wu Chi-ming, born in Guangdong, was a soldier of the Kuomintang army who fled to Hong Kong after the party's defeat in the south. Wu went on to become a farmer in the New Territories and started his own chicken farming business in 1958.Interview summary憶述個人背景,當年參軍期間南逃去香港的經歷,及自己初到香港謀生的辛酸。講述開展養雞生意的經過,並概述了促進香港養雞業發展的各項因素,又分享養出「靚雞」的心得,諸如防疫、飼料、環境衛生等。InterviewerXenia WuCake WongTopic元朗養雞業LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryWU, Chi-ming, 胡志明
I488. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 18/02/2025,