Reference codeI416Name of interviewee (English)WONG, Shu-hoiName of interviewee (Chinese)黃樹開Date of interview17/02/2011Biography黃樹開在海南出生,1938年來香港,二戰時返回內地,1948年重回香港並加入警隊,1968年退休。
Wong Shu-hoi came to Hong Kong in 1938 and subsequently spent a few years during the war back in China. Wong later joined the Hong Kong Marine Police in 1948 and retired after 20 years of service.Interview summary敍述二次大戰時,糧食短缺,父親餓死的情景。又講述投考警察要付黑錢,曾向上司投訴警署內貪污,但被調離崗位。更講到早年洋人警察優越感重,不講理由,也不友善。Duration95 minutesInterviewerEdward KwongTopic第二次世界大戰警務LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryWONG, Shu-hoi, 黃樹開
I416. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 07/02/2025,