Reference codeI353Name of interviewee (English)WONG, KengName of interviewee (Chinese)黃根Date of interview22/01/2010Biography黃根於廣州出生,二戰結束後來香港打工,後來自己開廠造塑膠玩具,為港九塑膠製造商聯合會永遠名譽會長。
Wong Keng was born in Guangzhou and came to Hong Kong after the war years. Wong later set up his own toy factory and was appointed Permanent Honorary President of the Hong Kong & Kowloon Plastic Products Merchants United Association.Interview summary憶述戰後來港投靠姑姐,到舖頭打工的生活,1967年創業,生產塑膠玩具。後來因招聘越見困難和勞工條例等改變,決定把生意遷至內地。另講述香港塑膠廠和製造業於1990年代起的沒落。Duration56 minutesInterviewerEdward KwongTopic深水埗玩具業塑膠業LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryWONG, Keng, 黃根
I353. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 09/02/2025,