Reference codeI149Name of interviewee (English)LI, YuenName of interviewee (Chinese)李婉Date of interview20/06/2008Biography李婉和三兄弟姊妹於徙置區長大,父母於外籍人士處打住家工。由於生活迫人,小學畢業便到製衣廠工作。
Li Yuen grew up in the resettlement housing area in Hong Kong. Due to poverty, Li left school to work at a clothing factory, and hence has been in the manufacturing industry from a very young age.Interview summary憶述童年於九龍仔大坑東徙置區生活的惡劣情況,小學畢業後需要工作,第一份工是縫製胸圍,後來當指導工。細述指導工的職責,包括生產流程、時間安排、人手調配、成本控制等挑戰。又提及近年內地廠房關門,工人缺乏最低工資的保障。Duration84 minutesInterviewerMelanie LiTopic徙置區製衣業LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryLI, Yuen, 李婉
I149. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 09/02/2025,