Reference codeI327Name of interviewee (English)LAM, Miu-yeeName of interviewee (Chinese)林妙儀Date of interview29/09/2009Biography林妙儀在澳門出生。因丈夫在市政局工作超過10年,獲分配石硤尾邨單位,石硤尾邨被拆後,搬到元州邨,受訪時居於白田邨。
Lam Miu-yee was born in Macau. She and her family were placed in a housing unit in Shek Kip Mei and later in Un Chau Estate. At the time of the interview, Lam was living alone in Pak Tin Estate.Interview summary描述石硤尾邨當時環境:非常簡陋,沒有廚房,兩個單位共用一個廁所及浴室。講述參加區內互助委員會的經驗,又談及受訪時住的白田邨單位,比較兩屋邨的鄰里關係。Duration40 minutesInterviewerEdward KwongTopic公共房屋深水埗LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryLAM, Miu-yee, 林妙儀
I327. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 07/02/2025,