Reference codeI343Name of interviewee (English)CHEUNG, Kam-moonName of interviewee (Chinese)張金滿Date of interview26/11/2009Biography張金滿在廣東出生,12歲來到香港,後來與姐姐成立製衣廠,至2006年製衣廠結業便退休。
Cheung Kam-moon was born in Guangdong and came to Hong Kong at the age of 12. He and his sister later set up a clothing factory. Cheung retired when the factory closed down in 2006. Interview summary談及小時候來港的情境。敍述在姐姐成衣店做銷售工作時,因取貨困難,建議和姐姐設廠生產男裝內衣,廠設在九江街。後因國內產品價格便宜,生意變得難做,製衣廠在2006年結業。 Duration71 minutesInterviewerEdward KwongTopic深水埗製衣業LanguageCantoneseLevel of accessUnclassifiedCollectionOral History CollectionCollection SummaryCHEUNG, Kam-moon, 張金滿
I343. Hong Kong Heritage Project, accessed 07/02/2025,